The National Social Safety Nets Coordinating Office (NASSCO) in collaboration with the World Bank’s Africa Region Gender Innovation Lab (GIL) is seeking a survey firm to collect follow-up data for an impact evaluation of the Nigeria National Social Safety Nets Project (NASSP).
The NASSP is a federal-level program that provides targeted regular cash transfers along with behavior-changing training and top-up incentives to poor and vulnerable households identified through a National Social Registry (NSR). The conditional cash transfer Households Uplifting Program (HUP) aims to cover two million beneficiary households across 24 states before 2021. Additionally, NASSP is piloting a complementary livelihood component to support households to pursue sustainable income-generating activities.
The Project is working with the World Bank’s GIL to evaluate the impact of the NASSP on the livelihoods of poor and vulnerable households, focusing especially on gender effects.
2.1 Geographical coverage and data collection components
The NASSP livelihoods pilot is being implemented in two LGAs per state in six states across the country: Anambra, Bauchi, Cross River, Jigawa, Niger and Oyo. The baseline data collection exercise consisted of participants completing a detailed survey questionnaire in person. This follow-up data collection exercise will consist of re-contacting the original 8,036 baseline households to complete a face-to-face interview that is expected to last 2.5 to 3 hours to collect additional information on outcome measures.
The follow up data collection exercise will comprise
a) A survey of households in the selected LGAs. The follow-up survey will serve as the target sample for future data collection activities in the study. The survey will collect information on household socio-economic characteristics and demographics and will include approximately 8,000 households (Phase 1). Each household interview will last about 2.5 to 3 hours.
b) An interview of cash transfer facilitators (CTFs). CTFs are government agents responsible for training beneficiaries and supporting them through the program. There will be approximately 120 CTFs altogether in the 12 LGAs. Each CTF interview will last about 1 hour.
c) An interview of the desk officer in each LGA (a total of 12 desk officers). Desk officers are responsible for coordinating the activities of CTFs within each LGA and ensuring the project runs smoothly. Each desk officer interview will last about 1 hour.
2.2 Duties and responsibilities of survey firm
Working closely with the GIL research team, the survey firm will implement this follow-up data collection. A field coordinator, hired by the World Bank and based in-country, will provide regular oversight and support to the survey firm’s contractual responsibilities. The survey firm should therefore integrate the field coordinator in all stages of decision-making. The survey firm will have the following duties and responsibilities:
i. Fieldwork preparation:
a. Questionnaire translation – the English version of the questionnaires will need to be translated to local languages that are spoken in the wards to be covered (including Hausa, Ibo, and Yoruba at a minimum). The firm should adopt a back-translation strategy to ensure that the English to local language translation corresponds with the local language to English version and the same for all languages.
b. Questionnaire programming – the firm will need to create an electronic version of the questionnaire which will be used as the main instrument for data collection. The questionnaire will have to be designed in the most efficient way to minimize the amount of time each interview takes. The survey firm will also be responsible for testing the questionnaire sufficient times and for debugging outstanding errors prior to the deployment of survey teams to the field. This will be done in close collaboration with the research team.
c. Tracking sheets – prepare detailed tracking sheets with contact information of target respondents and their (up to two) contact persons, attempts made at reaching respondent and contact persons, and scheduled appointments. Program a “could not reach” survey in Survey CTO and use appointment function in Survey CTO to schedule and track appointments.
d. Prepare the necessary hardware platform for the data collection in coordination with the World Bank – this includes tablets, power banks, sim cards/CDMA modems. All newly acquired hardware will be transferred to the Bank upon completion of the assignment. Each field worker will need to have a tablet with the electronic versions of the questionnaires uploaded. Moreover, the supervisor of each survey team should be equipped with a power bank and a secure connection to the internet either through 3G internet or CDMA modems.
e. Pretesting instruments – both the electronic and paper versions of the questionnaires will need to be pre-tested through a pilot survey before deploying survey teams to the field.
ii. Personnel management:
a. Survey staff hiring – the firm will be responsible for the formation of the survey team. It will have to recruit and contract enumerators, supervisors as well as back-office experts such as survey coordination officer and data manager. The GIL field coordinator will provide feedback on the hiring process of the survey staff, including on their TORs.
b. Preparation of a training manual for the data collection team – the firm will develop a training manual with content on research protocol and etiquette. This document will be updated with concepts and questions that field teams have difficulty understanding during survey training. This will then serve as a field manual once the teams are deployed to the field.
c. Fieldwork training – the survey firm will organize a training session for all enumerators, supervisors, survey coordinators, and data manager to ensure that they have a full grasp of both the paper and electronic versions of the questionnaire (paper to be used only in cases of device failure). Support staff will be trained to ensure they are able to run high-frequency consistency checks on the data from the office using STATA, throughout the data collection process (preferably daily, depending on the availability of data).
d. It is strongly encouraged for data managers, data collection supervisors, and enumerators to be certified in conducting research with human subjects.
e. Ensure all survey staff have signed confidentiality agreements with the survey firm.
iii. Conducting interviews:
a. Setting up appointments with all household respondents ahead of time. The coverage of selected sites must be organized in the most efficient way.
b. Conducting interviews with respondents from the 12 selected LGAs.
c. Managing the provision of incentives to all household respondents.
d. Respondents should be contacted in order of the baseline survey.
e. Prepare a protocol to contact respondents for the follow-up survey using the contact information collected during the baseline
iv. Data management:
a. Set up a server – the World Bank uses an approved data collection platform for impact evaluation data. The survey firm will work with the World Bank team to set up a server to which all data would be uploaded and to ensure they follow World Bank data security guidelines and policies.
b. The firm will also work with the World Bank team to ensure that the server used to store, transfer and manage the data collected, as well as any hardcopies of paper-based surveys, will be stored following the minimum standards of the local law for data protections
c. Data entry – all data must be entered electronically using the tablets on the spot during each interview. Paper questionnaires would only be used in the rare event of device failure. The research team will need to be notified about each case of device failure.
d. Real time access to data – after the completion of each interview, the data collector should upload the data to the server. The research team would be given access to the server from which it can view/download all completed interviews.
e. Real time data checks – the questionnaire program should allow real time data checks by activating skip patterns, constraints and relevance categories .
f. Consistency checks – the data manager will need to run consistency checks twice weekly to capture errors and to assess the performance of data collectors. He/she will then need to communicate the results with survey coordinator. The survey coordinator will inform supervisors to address errors and attend to weak performance by enumerators.
g. Back checks/call backs – a team of back-checkers will conduct back checks/call backs to 10% of the respondents.
h. Field reporting – the back-office survey coordinator will compile updates on the progress of the survey using a field reporting template. The status of interview will be recorded on this field reporting spreadsheet. This file will be submitted to the research team twice weekly during the period of the survey.
i. Any personally identifiable data be collected will be stored in accordance with World Bank data collection guidelines.
j. Per standard IRB/data collection protocol, the firm will store any paper data that contains identifying information or survey data for a minimum of five years and grant the research team access to this data upon request. If the firm cannot store the data for this duration, they will notify the World Bank so that plans can be made for moving and storing the data.
v. Survey ethics and confidentiality protocol:
a. Secure written consent from respondent prior to every interview.
b. Ensure respondents understand the confidentiality of the interview they give and that they are not forced to answer questions they are uncomfortable with.
The following table maps deliverables to specific tasks under duties and responsibilities.
Table 1: List of deliverables
No. Activity Deliverables
1. Fieldwork preparation – A field procedure plan detailing the activities involved in all stages of the fieldwork implementation process.
– A translated version of the questionnaires into languages spoken in the selected data collection sites (including Hausa, Ibo, and Yoruba).
– A fully operational questionnaire program allowing real time data checks (see 2.2.iv(d)) with all outstanding errors debugged.
– A checklist of hardware availability filled out and signed by field coordinator of the research team. This includes sufficient number tablets (one per enumerator and supervisor), power bank (per survey team), CDMA or 3G internet connection devices (per survey team) and extra paper questionnaires (5% of the number of interviews per survey team)
– Pilot summary report and organization of a debriefing session with entire survey team
2. Recruitment and formation of survey teams – The summary of educational, language skill, work experience backgrounds of all enumerators
– The CVs of field supervisors, survey coordinators, questionnaire programmer and data manager
– Training manual with research and ethical protocol and key concepts covered by the questionnaire. This document is later updated with an explanation of questions that data collectors have had difficulty understanding during survey training
– Attendance sheets of training sessions
3. Conducting interviews – Approval letters from the appropriate government office before the launching of the data collection
– Fully completed interviews uploaded to the server (before data cleaning)
4. Data management – An online data storage platform/server
– Twice weekly field reports detailing the progress of the survey
– Twice weekly consistency checking reports along with actions taken
– A codebook of all questions and response options
– A record of all back checks and call backs
– Fully cleaned, coded and labeled dataset
– Organization of a one-day debriefing session
5. Ethics and confidentiality – A research and survey ethics protocol
– Signed confidentiality forms by all survey team members
The survey firm should meet the following minimum requirements.
i. Demonstrated experience in:
a. implementing household surveys in rural areas
b. using electronic data collection platform
c. conducting surveys in a Randomized Control Trial setting
ii. Ability to form a survey team with the following qualifications:
a. Survey coordinators – a master’s degree in the fields of economics, statistics, sociology, anthropology, development studies or a related field; and at least 10 years of experience in survey management. Or, a bachelor’s degree in the same fields with at least 15 years of experience. The survey coordinators should preferably have completed a course on protecting human research participants.
b. Supervisors – a master’s degree in the field of economics, statistics, sociology, anthropology, development studies or a related field; and at least 5 years of experience in survey supervision. Or, a bachelor’s degree in the same fields with at least 8 years of experience.
c. Enumerators – a bachelor’s degree in field of economics, statistics, sociology, anthropology, development studies or a related field with at least three years of experience.
d. Questionnaire programmer – highly qualified in the design of questionnaires using software such as CSPro, Survey Solutions, and Survey CTO.
e. Data manger – a master’s degree in economics, statistics of a related field and very well versed with STATA, SPSS, Excel and the survey platform used for data collection.
iii. Survey team members must speak the language of the area in which they will be operating.
iv. Each survey team led by a data collection supervisor must have at least one female enumerator.
The completed datasets will be the property of NASSCO and the firm will submit all such data to the Government. The firm will provide the research team with cleaned and coded datasets, including raw data files, codebooks and survey questionnaires. The firm may not use the data for their own research purposes, nor license the data to be used by others, without the written consent of the World Bank. The firm will protect the confidentiality of survey participants at all stages. All data are to be treated as confidential. The firm will also ensure that respondents and their households have a clear understanding of the survey objectives, render their participation in the survey willingly, by giving full proof of consent without an expectation of participation in the project, and view the random selection process as fair and transparent. The firm will also ensure that adequate consent to share the collected information with the World Bank is provided by the interviewed subjects, prior to every interview. No data or other information from this fieldwork will be released to third parties without the written approval of the World Bank.
6. Supervision and Survey management.
The contracted firm will work under the supervision and management of the NASSCO Research and Learning Manager with support of the World Bank team. All deliverables must therefore be routed through the Research and Learning Manager.
This assignment is expected to take place over the period of May to June 2022. This includes fieldwork preparation, the data collection period, and finalization of the checks.
Table 2: Payment Schedule
Payment round % of contract sum Deliverables
1 10% – Upon submission of inception report
2 20% – Upon receipt of finalized field procedure plan for data collection, fully operational electronic data collection platform, training and field manuals, and training of data collectors
3 20% – Upon satisfactory completion of piloting and pilot debriefing report
4 25% – Upon satisfactory completion of 50% of fieldwork (4,000 surveys), including entire set of twice weekly field reports and data quality reports
5 25% – Upon satisfactory provision of fully cleaned, coded, and labeled dataset (8,000 household surveys, 12 CTF interviews, and 12 desk officer interviews) along with data collection report and organization of debriefing session
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