THE NATIONAL SOCIAL REGISTER OF POOR & VULNERABLE HOUSEHOLDS (PVHHs) DISTRIBUTION BY STATES AS AT 27TH APRIL, 2020 S/N STATE HOUSEHOLDS INDIVIDUALS 1 Abia 42,779 158,638 2 Adamawa 58,266 221,852 3 Akwa Ibom 95,867 405,822 4 Anambra 67,958 245,426 5 Bauchi 47,712 275,007 6 Bayelsa 58,847 209,476 7 Benue 157,946 691,970 8 Borno 7,130 33,728 […]
NATIONAL SOCIAL REGISTER (NSR) The National Social Register is a repository of information about potential beneficiaries for multiple social assistance programs that share a common population of interest, but not necessarily same eligibility approach. In building the National Social Registry (NSR) of poor and vulnerable households (PVHHs) in the country, four targeting approaches are utilized, […]